
Ready to revolutionize how you manage your money? Begin your financial transformation with Ledger.com/start and unlock a world of possibilities.

Getting Started with Your Ledger Device

Welcome to the start of your secure cryptocurrency journey! To get started with your Ledger device, follow the simple steps outlined below:

Step 1: Unbox Your Device

  • Ensure the box is sealed to confirm the device hasn't been tampered with.

  • Unbox your Ledger device and check for the following components:

    • Ledger Hardware Wallet

    • USB Cable

    • Recovery sheet

    • Ledger stickers (optional)

    Step 2: Download Ledger Live

    • Visit Ledger.com/start on your computer.

    • Download and install the Ledger Live application.

    Step 3: Set Up Your Device

    • Connect your Ledger device to your computer using the USB cable.

    • Follow the instructions on the device to choose a PIN code.

    • Write down your recovery phrase on the recovery sheet provided.

    Step 4: Add Accounts in Ledger Live

    • Launch Ledger Live and navigate to the 'Accounts' tab.

    • Follow the in-app instructions to add and manage your cryptocurrency accounts.

    Need Help?

    For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, visit our support page.

    Congratulations, you are all set to start managing your crypto assets securely with Ledger!

Last updated